Research and Publication
- Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy. J. Preventive Cardiology Vol. 4 No. 4 May 2015
Echocardiographic Evaluation Of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction In Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus Patients International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies ISSN
(print)2589-868X15/01/2021 Indexed in Copernicus NLM - CATALOG (National Library of
Medicine ID: 101738825)
- Cardiac changes in isolated systolic hypertension in elderly with special reference to
electrocardiography and echocardiography study. International Journal of Health and Clinical
Research (IJHCR),ISSN (print)2590-325X,ISSN (online) 2590-3241,10/01/2021,Indexed in
DOAJ, Copernicus
- Histopathological Spectrum of the Lesions of Buccal Mucosa at a Tertiary Care Centre of Central
India, International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2021, 10(12): 1-7.ISSN No:
2319-5886 Indexed in Copernicus, DOAJ.
- Prevalence Of Proteinuria And Diabetic Retinopathy In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients With
Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical
Research. ISSN: 0975 1556 Print-ISSN 2820-2643 Indexed in EMBASE. Accepted
- Spectrum Of Lesions On Upper Gi Endoscopy At A Tertiary Care Center Of Central India.
International Journal Of Toxicological And Pharmacological Research (Ijtpr). ElectronicIssn:0975-5160| Print-Issn: 2820-2651 Accepted on 13/08/2022 Indexed in EMBASE.
Histopathological Spectrum of the Lesions of Buccal Mucosa at a Tertiary Care Centre of Central
India. International Journal of Medical Research &Health Sciences, 2021, 10(12): 1-7
Study on effect of COVID-19 convalescent plasma therapy on inflammatory parameters in
COVID-19 patients. Int. J. Med. & Allied Health Sci. Vol. 01, Issue 02 (Oct-Dec 2021)
Workshops and Conferences
Areas of Expertise
- MEDICAL OFFICER (CAPT.) INDIAN ARMY 15/6/2015- 21/7/2016
- Assistant Professor R D GARDI MEDICAL COLLEGE, UJJAIN 20/1/2017-31/1/2021
- Associate Professor R D GARDI MEDICAL COLLEGE, UJJAIN 1/2/2021- 15/2/2022
- Associate Professor PEOPLES COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, BHOPAL 16/2/2022 – 15/12/2022.
- Associate Professor CHIRAYU MEDICAL COLLEGE, BHOPAL. 16/12/2022- TILL DATE