Our Experts

DR. Ankita Saxena

Department of Dentistry +91 9090191963/64


Award Paper Presentations

  • Masseter muscle haemangioma at 6th International Workshop mastercourse in maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery, MUMBAI.
  • OSSIFYING FIBROMA : CASE REPORT AND REVIEW AT 4TH Annual state conference Association of oral and maxillofacial surgery (MP &CG State chapter) Mandu
  • Bilayered collagen membrane :a surgical dressing in oral defects in 39th National Conference of association of oral and maxillofacial surgery , goa
  • CHONDROSARCOMA OF OROFACIAL REGION : A case report and literature review at 5th Annual Conference Association of oral and maxillofacial surgery (MP &CG State chapter)
  • Poster titled Vascular anomalies of head and neck at 40th Annual Conference of association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons of india Amritsar.

Research and Publication

  • To evaluate the efficacy of bilayered collagen membrane as surgical dressing in oral mucosal defects
  • Assessment of versatility of high density polyethylene (medpore ) in reconstruction of facial deformity.
  • Wire cutter: a improvised approach to basic instrument.
  • Abducens nerve palsy and diplopia concomitant with PSA Nerve haematoma secondary to posterior superior alveolar nerve block.
  • CBCT Analysis of maxillary first molar in Indian population, international journal of clinical pediatric dentistry.
  • Evaluation of serum lipid profile in oral cancer patients: A Case Control study.

Workshops and Conferences

  • CBCT: A boon for placement of dental implants
  • Nasoalveolar moulding(CDE and workshop)
  • Hands on : suture practicum organized by ETHICON
  • Hands on: osteodistraction / cardio pulmonary resuscitation.
  • Workshop on orthodontic and surgical aspect for the management of dentofacial deformities.
  • Workshop on basic life support
  • Workshop on microvascular reconstruction techniques.
  • Workshop on surgical and prosthetic implantology
  • Workshop on complete implant prosthetics
  • 6th International Workshop mastercourse in maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery 19th – 23rd feb 2014
  • 18th National workshop on maxillofacial surgery 26-28 febuary 2014
  • 4TH Annual state conference Association of oral and maxillofacial surgery (MP &CG State chapter) 30-31 august 2014
  • 39th National Conference of association of oral and maxillofacial surgery , goa 14th-16th November 2014
  • 19th National workshop on maxillofacial surgery 13 – 15 febuary 2015

Areas of Expertise

  • Maxillofacial surgical procedure including facial trauma(maxillary, mandibular, zygomatic, orbital)
  • cyst and tumours of jaw bone.
  • surgery for restricted mouth opening(TMJ Ankylosis, oral sub mucous fibrosis)
  • soft tissue lesions
  • hard and soft tissue biopsy
  • surgical extractions
  • all kind of dental procedures

Working Hours

  • Monday - Friday 14:00 to 18:00
  • Saturday 14:00 to 18:00