Our Experts


M.B.B.S., M.D (Anaesthesia)
Department of Anaesthesia +91 9090191963/64


Research and Publication

  • Geeta P Parikh, Veena R Shah, Kalpana S Vora, Veena K Parikh, Manisha P Modi, Pratibha Kumari. “Ultrasound Guided Peri tubal infiltration of 0.25% Bupivacaine V/s 0.25% Ropivacaine for Post-Operative pain relief in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy” IJA May 2014- 58(3) 293-7, Ahmedabad Gujarat.
  • Pratibha Kumari, Ramu Valluri, Geeta P. Parikh, Veena R Shah. “A Comparative Study of Ropivacaine with Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl in Spinal Anaesthesia in Urogynaecological Surgeries” JMSCR Vol-6, Iss-7 (628-635), July 2018, IKDRC, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Pratibha Kumari, Ramu Valluri, Priyanka Gotluru. “A comparative Study- Efficacy of Sevoflurane on Intubating Conditions in General Anaesthesia under Rocuronium” SJAMS, July 2018, 6(7):2858-2862. KAMSRC, Hyderabad.
  • Priyanka Gotluru, Pratibha Kumari, Ramu Valluri. “ A comparative Study of Haemodynamic changes and Blood Sugar Levels before and after Induction of General Anaesthesia with Thiopentone and Propofol” JMSCR March 2018 Vol:6, Iss-3,1219-1225. KAMSRC, Hyderabad.
  • Pratibha Kumari, Priyanka Gotluru, Tagilapalli Srinija. “ A Study On Efficacy of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine in Attenuation of Haemodynamic Responses due to Peritoneal in sufflation of Carbon Di Oxide in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” Journal of Cardiovascular disease research, 2022,Vol.-13, Iss- 02. KAMSRC, Hyderabad.
  • Pratibha Kumari, Karri Laxmi Priyanka, Haritha, B.S. Subramanium. “A Study on Role of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to 0.125% Bupivacaine for PostOperative Analgesia in Adductor Canal Block, Following Arthroscopies”. Journal of Cardiovascular disease research, 2022, Vol.-13, Iss. - 06. KAMSRC, Hyderabad.

Workshops and Conferences

  • “Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)” from GVK-EMRI Hyderabad on 8.03.2023.
  • “Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)” from GVK-EMRI Hyderabad from 3.03.2023 to 4.03.2023.
  • “Basic Life Support (BLS)” from GVK-EMRI Hyderabad on 2.03.2023.
  • “Revised Basic Course Workshop and AETCOM)” from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad from 22.02.2023 to 24.02.2023.
  • “TACON Hyderabad” Hyderabad from 11.11.2022 to 13.11.2022.
  • “35th Annual Conference ISACON- South” Hyderabad 08.08.2019 to 11.08.2019
  • “Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia (YAPM)” from Yashoda Hospital Hyderabad – 2017 .
  • “Workshop on Practicing Anaesthesia in crisis and emergency (PACE)” from Hyderabad- 2017
  • “9th Annual Conference WISACON- South” Ahmedabad- October 2012.
  • “Workshop on Pain Awareness Program on Obstetric Analgesia” Ahmedabad- July 2012
  • “Transplant Update” From IKDRC Ahmedabad- Sept. 2012.

Areas of Expertise

  • Endotracheal Intubation by conventional Direct Laryngoscopy, Mc Coy Laryngoscope and Video Laryngoscope.
  • Assisted in Awake fibre optic intubation for difficult airway.
  • Submental and Nasal Intubation.
  • Central Venous Access- Internal Jugular, Femoral and subclavian.
  • ICU Ventilator management.
  • Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring.
  • Ultrasound Guided central venous and Arterial line Insertion.
  • Central Neuraxial blocks
  • Ultrasound Guided regional Blocks.
  • Anaesthesia and Sedation for outside operating room procedures (CT, MRI, EEG and Cath LAB)
  • Post-Operative care of surgical patient.
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adult Paediatric and Neonatal.
  • Teaching Faculty for UG and PG medical students

Working Hours

  • Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:00
  • Saturday 09:00 to 17:00